Thursday, July 3, 2008

here we go!

Time to get married! Well, we actually have an inauspicious thirteen days, but we're getting close. Needless to say, we are very very happy. It is so strange that life is normal, and then you decide to get married. Things stay normal, other than a sparkly ring on your left hand, and an ever-present guilt caused by years of swearing that you will never worry about the colors at your wedding celebration, and then actually wanting to cry when the paper store runs out of chartreuse and you're stuck with olive. But one day, you walk into a pretty building with your special friend of choice, someone says a few words, and presto! Everything is different. New ward, new apartment, new utensils, and new kitchen appliances you never knew you needed. Also, you have a new roommate. A boy... And the thing is, semesters, contracts, and study abroad have no effect on the longevity of this roommate experience. No, it doesn't matter if they always forget to rinse their macaroni bowl, or if they use your toothbrush. You can't move home, or politely decline to sign up with them again in the fall. Which is why I'm really lucky that my roommate is Christopher. Because we'll make up for each other's weird habits, I think. I'll let him beat me every time in scrabble, and in return, he'll let me steal his sweats. We'll learn how to use those exotic kitchen appliances together. Everything will work out, just like he's been telling me all along.

Some luck lies not in getting what you thought you wanted but getting what you have, which once you have got it you may be smart enough to see is what you would have wanted had you known. --Garrison Keillor, Lake Woebegone Days

1 comment:

Nae said...

Melissa, not only are you a fantastic writer, but you also totally made me go "awww..."

You are Chris are so adorable! I'm so excited for your wedding! :)