Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pretty please...

Maybe it's the fact that Hurricane Ida has been drenching NC with buckets and buckets of water for days, but I really want these boots. I spotted them in Nordstrom the other day and it took more than a little strength of will to leave them behind. I'm not even a huge boot person, but I think I could actually enjoy the extended rainy season in this place if I could count on these lovelies to get me through.

I'd take them in the pea green, or the pretty plum. Aren't they great?


Mandy said...

Those are SO cute! Maybe Chris will get them for you for Christmas? I like the plum ones best. You could even wear those with black skirts and grey tights... Perfection.

Congrats on the new apartment! I love you!

Unknown said...

LOVE THEM!!!I need some rainboots!