Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Because I am married now, I suppose it's high time I figured out this whole cooking business. I used to blanch at the idea of cooking just because one is married. Surely as a newly-wed student, I would have more important things to do than have lasagna or meat loaf on the table at 5:00 sharp. But I've had a change of heart. There are various reasons for this fact, but it boils down to how much I love eating and how I now have limited access to my mom's amazing cuisine.

I ordered this great cookbook called The Food You Crave by Ellie Krieger. It has recipes that focus on healthy fats and a ton of fruits and vegetables. I've been playing with it a little and Christopher has been a forced participant of my newest craze. Don't get me wrong--the lemon chicken soup with orzo and thyme was great, and the peach french toast bake wasn't bad either. But last night I attempted fettuccine with roasted red pepper sauce and it was pretty terrible. And it was completely my fault. I decided that a hand mixer could take the place of a food processor, and I forgot to drain, rinse, and slice the roasted red peppers. The whole jar went right in and it seriously messed with the sauce's consistency and flavor. Sad.

Christopher gamely took seconds and told me not to get too discouraged. But the truth is, I should have relied on a trusty plate of nachos instead.

"She did not cook so much as assassinate food. "
--Storm Jameson


Whitney the Wifey said...

I love this post. Mainly because I love any story that involves you cooking. That peach french toast thing sounds delicious!

in morse code said...

Melissa!!! How the heck are ya? Good luck with the cooking endeavors!