Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Last night, my husband and I went to the James Taylor concert at the USANA amphitheater. Being a newlywed, I assumed that it would be a luxury to go to the show now that we have to buy so many things we never knew we would need. (Not-fun things like an iron, comet, flour, etc...) But since I have an awesome husband who can always tell what I want before I'll even admit it
myself, Christopher surprised me with tickets to the concert the day before. It was a great night.

What I love about James Taylor is that he's the voice that has always been around. When I was a little girl, my sisters and I would dance to Steamroller and Shed a Little Light for attention until my dad would pull out his video camera. In junior high, following my oldest sister's lead, I would play his stuff every morning while I failingly attempted to apply makeup only a seventh grader could believe looked good. At the end of that particularly rough school year, Lacey and I got his autograph together at one of his shows in Salt Lake. I consider his voice an old friend by now. His lyrics are so great that just hearing Carolina makes me believe that the south is full of geese in flight, and moons and omens, instead of what is probably true--that it's full of varmints and probably doesn't have a Nordstrom.

Now that James Taylor is getting older, and I am getting older, we remain friends. He let me put Never Die Young on my wedding video, and I changed plans to go to his concert last night. And in another act of friendship, I will suggest that you check out his latest at http://www.jamestaylor.com/

1 comment:

Chris said...

Vicious slam on Carolina out of nowhere!