Thursday, January 21, 2010


Today is the first day in awhile when the temperature hasn't reached above 60. We've been busy hiking, playing with friends, and working on various projects. Christopher has started school but it hasn't really picked up yet, so we still feel like our schedules are very open, especially since the GRE is behind me. Here are some pictures.

This is a canvas Christopher and I painted to go in our living room. I promise that it looks better in real life. We're really proud of it. But I still don't think we can call it a painting, or even a piece of artwork. It's just a nice canvas.

We went hiking along the Eno River Trail at a nearby State Park. It was gorgeous.

But I got tired of taking breaks for pictures. This was the last one we took and then Chris put the camera away. For the best.


Jessica said...

"Your face if going to freeze like that" -quoth Mom

Dori said...

Yes Melissa and Jessica, your face will freeze like that. Maybe not in North Carolina but in Connecticut for sure. Utah is pretty cold too, Jessica.

drewandlacey said...

nice painting mel..... very impressed. and nice face. :)

Mandy said...

First off, that canvas is sweet! Did you use stencils? I want you to show me how. Also, can you please post pictures of your apartment?

As for the face... eeeksta. I'm with Jess. :)

NOEL said...

I love your canvas. I'm working on a painting for my house too right now, but it's not going to turn out half as cool as that! Sweetness! I love how you two do some much together!